
 Give Help


Thank you for offering to step up, showing solidarity, and supporting your neighbours!

YOU are making a difference in the lives of people across our community.

Together, we can show that we care for and value each and every Vancouverite.

Yes, I agree to follow the Terms & Conditions and Community Guidelines and would like to

Important disclaimer

The creators of Coming Together Vancouver are a small group of community members who saw a need and are addressing it through the creation of a mutual aid network. We provide guidelines for best practice but do not and cannot assume any liability for any of the interactions that occur in this group.

All interactions are at your own risk.

A critical part of community care is community safety; and as such, we will be removing members who do not meet community guidelines or follow best practices. Please help us create a safe and respectful space by reporting any members, offers, or requests that go against the guidelines or make anyone feel unsafe.


How It Works

1. Sign in using Facebook or email.

2. Share your name, contact details, and postal code

3. Select all the categories of help you are offering.

4. Agree to our Community Guidelines and best practices. 

5. The system will match you to people asking for support, sorted closest to farthest away from them, so as much as possible, your offer is going toward your neighbours in need.  

6. Once created, you can withdraw or edit your offer at any time.

Note: In order to protect the safety and privacy of those seeking help, only the people asking for help can match with an offer. Please keep your phone close and an eye on your inbox.