
Get Help

We know how hard it can be to ask for help.

We’ve designed this app to make sure all of the power is in your hands.

You don’t have to out yourself publicly. You decide how much info you share.

You can engage with offers of help over phone or email — those offering help cannot seek you out directly.

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By clicking below you agree to follow the Terms & Conditions and Community Guidelines 

Important Disclaimer

The creators of Coming Together Vancouver are a small group of community members who saw a need and are addressing it through the creation of a mutual aid network. We provide guidelines for best practice but do not and cannot assume any liability for any of the interactions that occur in this group.

All interactions are at your own risk.

A critical part of community care is community safety; and as such, we will be removing members who do not meet community guidelines or follow best practices. Please help us create a safe and respectful space by reporting any members, offers, or requests that go against the guidelines or make anyone feel unsafe.


How It Works

1. Sign in using Facebook or email.

2. Select all the categories of help you are seeking.

3. Agree to our Community Guidelines and best practices. 

4. Enter your postal code. The system will match you to people who can support you on your request, sorted closest to farthest away from you. 

5. Connect only with the offers of help you feel most comfortable with.

6. Once created you can withdraw or edit your request at any time. Community safety is important! Please be alert for spam, scams, and anything that may increase the risk to the community members using this service and flag those responses.

Note: Those who offer help cannot search for you. Only you can initiate the exchange.  If you don’t see many offers, don’t panic. We are new and are building up a network of people. Check back soon.

Additional Help

If you are in urgent need of financial aid,
please apply here for our 

Mental Health Information

  • 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
    For individuals who are or know someone who is having thoughts of suicide. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and in up to 140 languages.

  • 310-Mental Health (310-6789)
    For individuals who would like emotional support, information and resources specific to mental health.

Trusted COVID-19 Information